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About Berit



The art of interpretation. It’s like writing a poem, a novel, or a letter. Of course, you have to know your grammar, check your spelling, and all – but the art of writing is not really about that. It is how you play the words. It’s your very creativity that works the magic.

The same is true for Astrology. Knowing about the signs, their energies, the houses, and aspects = is great. But to put it all together and dive into a chart / a person's soul, you must feel into it. It takes two to understand a chart: the astrologer and the client.

I am a student of symbols. 

Astrology is about learning the language of symbols and translating them. I’d also encourage you to know this cosmic alphabet yourself (it’s not rocket science). Suppose the natal chart is your inner film script. In that case, the astrologer can find the main plot, spotlight what challenges or delights the “hero” could face, and help discover what makes your story fascinating, suspenseful, and unique.

Remember: The chart has no being – you do. You fill it with life. You decide on how you want to use it. You even get to act outside the script if you so choose.

The Uranian Approach.

My approach is a bit Uranian. What does that mean? I love being rebellious, playful, and colorful and I like things outside boxes. Like the rabbit, I also enjoy unexpected, quick moves. But I’m not all about Uranus. I’m Saturnian too. I take this life stuff very seriously, and I promise to take yours seriously too.


I have been passionate about Astrology since my late 20ies and began my profound studies with Dr. Craig Martin at his LA School of Astrology. I then furthered my education with Tony Howard at his Astrology University. I will finish and graduate from the 4-year Astrology University program in 2023. 


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