This Booklet is about the Nodes of the Moon, also called the Dragon's Head and the Dragon's Tail, the Karma Points of the horoscope. They are a fast track to accessing the natal chart and a key to understanding a person’s soul and purpose.
Imagine that inside of you is a deep self that you can reach – and that reaches out to you.
The Lunar Nodes point to this inner world, the world of the Moon, our most private, unconscious, and undiscovered parts. It's crucial to understand that the Nodes are not just two separate points but two polar aspects of a single process. They are inseparable, functioning as a unit, and together, they reveal a vast learning field.
The North Node and South Node are always in two opposing zodiac signs. This booklet illuminates the six astrological axes. You learn about their symbolic meaning and what they teach us—it’s a great way to start understanding the archetypal meaning and dynamics in a chart and Astrology.